Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing

In an earlier post I explained a number of migration or upgrade issues arising from the usage of SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT…ORDER BY… constructs when used in a VIEW. I wrote the below script to identify the VIEW objects which are implemented in this way and also identify from which... [Read More]

Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO

When it comes to testing queries I noticed that most developers usually write the query, verify that it returns the required result set then deploy it in the application or report and move on to the next query. While some might see this as one of the rapid development techniques,... [Read More]

Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW

We have been migrating and upgrading SQL Server 2000 databases to SQL Server 2005 for a while and the momentum increased soon after Microsoft stopped Mainstream Support in April 2008 (Microsoft Product Lifecycle). During the course of the upgrades we have occasionally been told that certain VIEWs did not return... [Read More]