Per Server + CAL Licensing Model For Small Business' Development Environments

Whenever a new SQL Server version is released, unless an organisation is forking out the [slightly steep annual cost of] Software Assurance, a DBA has to build a business case to upgrade to the latest database platform.  This because, at the end of the day the licence cost has to... [Read More]

Script User-Defined Data Types

Continuing with the “database migration using scripting” series, this week I am publishing a script that’ll script user-defined data types. The script reads columns from the sys.types and sys.schemas DMVs to build the DROP TYPE and CREATE TYPE statements. Special attention is given to UDTs based on character, decimal, numeric,... [Read More]

A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds

The How to: Import or Export a Package by Using SQL Server Management Studio MSDN article esxplains the steps to save or retrieve an SSIS package from/to SQL Server.  Like most DBAs (or not…?) I try to use the latest version of SSMS to execute queries against the various SQL... [Read More]

Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users

When an application used SQL Authentication credentials for each login have to be created and delivered [securely] to the end user.  Alternatively a developer can opt to develop his/her own authentication mechanism where an application uses a single login to connect to the database and each end-user is created as... [Read More]

Skipping a beat

All last week I was really busy with other [personal] commitments and didn’t have any time to put pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard…).  Considering the situation I thought that having no article would be better than a post of poor quality. [Read More]